Our Story

Storyhouse began by accident. As peaceful snowflakes fell on Matt Snyder and Liliia Chernytska’s apartment roof in the suburbs of Chicago, Russian rockets fell on the cities where their ministry partners, friends, and family dwell.

To many, Ukraine may be little more than a strategic segment on a Risk game board or the homeland of the thugs in a lazily written adventure flick. But to our family—and to millions of the most creative, hearty, and hospitable people on earth—Ukraine goes by a different name: home.

As explosions rocked parts of Kyiv, Kharkiv, and other cities throughout the country, we messaged our friends and family members as they awoke in the still dark hours of morning. Some provided first-hand accounts of the blasts. Chaos reigned. As one friend on the ground wrote, “We know something is happening, but we don’t know what.”

Since then, a full-scale war materialized. Millions of Ukrainians have been displaced, and thousands of soldiers and civilians have sustained serious injuries or died.

In the weeks that followed, people around the world contacted us, asking how they could help those in need. We were overwhelmed by the solidarity and support that generous donors have shown since the war began. Soon it became evident that we should form a non-profit to legitimize the channels of support for the hurting. Storyhouse Europe was born.

To date, we have purchased hundreds of tourniquets, hemostatic gauze packs, combat trauma medical kits, bandages, and other life-saving aid. In partnership with UA.Ants, David’s Community Bible Church, and others, we have carried or sent dozens of boxes and suitcases full of aid. We continue to buy these items, shipping them to our ministry partners who deliver them to the people who need them most.

As the winter cold sets in and the Ukrainian power grid is under regular attack, many people are without power and heat. We have purchased wool blankets and crank radio/light/charging units. We intend to obtain fire rings, ovens, and coats to help people stay warm in the frigid temperatures.

We invite you to join the story. Your support can help the people of Ukraine.

Matt is professor of communications at Moody Bible Institute, and Liliia is a licensed professional counselor, with an emphasis in trauma.

Official partners of UA.Ants